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High performance coatings that provide tangible and measurable business leverage.

Euronavy Coatings

Gas and oil

Offshore // Onshore // Reconversions // Maintenance


  • E • Euronavy Coatings has a range of finishes, tin-free antifouling (including one designed for underwater application), specialty coatings (underwater application, temperature resistant, chemical resistant, phenolic epoxies), special primers ( Workshop, Alloys Primers), plus Innovative, state-of-the-art solutions for long-lasting performance on galvanized products

  • • In addition to its complementary portfolio, Euronavy Engineering's extensive experience with solvent-free epoxy formulations has enabled it to develop unique coatings for the most demanding applications: these include special solvent-free coatings, resins and coatings for the protection of interior heavy duty tanks, sewage treatment plants, floors and others.

Euronavy Coatings

Gas and oil

Offshore // Onshore // Reconversions // Maintenance


  • E • Euronavy Coatings has a range of finishes, tin-free antifouling (including one designed for underwater application), specialty coatings (underwater application, temperature resistant, chemical resistant, phenolic epoxies), special primers ( Workshop, Alloys Primers), plus Innovative, state-of-the-art solutions for long-lasting performance on galvanized products

  • • In addition to its complementary portfolio, Euronavy Engineering's extensive experience with solvent-free epoxy formulations has enabled it to develop unique coatings for the most demanding applications: these include special solvent-free coatings, resins and coatings for the protection of interior heavy duty tanks, sewage treatment plants, floors and others.

Heavy duty industrial and commercial floors and ceilings

  • EE01 can be applied on floors that are continuously subjected to impacts, such as factories, workshops, loading and unloading areas, warehouses, shopping centers, etc. It can also be applied in places that require strict hygiene measures (asepsis) such as hospitals, food processing plants, laboratories, kitchens, among others.

  • Due to its toughness and resistance, EE01 does not deteriorate, wear or corrode, even with constant rough use, and it is easy to clean and disinfect. In addition, thanks to its repellency, it does not stain when substances used in industry fall on it and it is an excellent waterproofing coating for roofs.

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Refinery and construction

  • EE01 can be applied with a reduced impact on the cost of steel (or other substrate) and surface preparation and without application delays. This would create an important "deal platform" for both owners and contractors eager to meet today's challenges.


  • EE01 combines performance and tolerance in a unique way that incorporates these new emerging rules while being cost effective without compromising service life. This is attributed to its unique surface and moisture tolerance formula (allowing the use of hydroblasting as a secondary method of surface preparation rather than grit) and its high edge retention characteristics (allowing savings associated with steel preparation - edge grinding)


About EE01


Euronavy EE01 coatings:
Innovative, more reliable, more durable, solvent-free epoxy-based anti-corrosion protective coating

Supplying renowned international companies with state-of-the-art, long-lasting coatings with unmatched benefits since the 1980s.

The changing needs in corrosion protection are increasing the performance required of major global players on the quality and durability of industrial, marine and offshore paints.
New performance issues, environmental concerns, cost reduction and safety concerns are creating new challenges in the market for high quality anti-corrosion protective coatings.

Recognizing the importance of these advancements, Euronavy Coatings has developed world-class innovative epoxy technology by incorporating these trends into its coating systems.

This is how Euronavy Engineering EE01 was created.


EE01 by Euronavy Coatings
Main advantages compared to direct competition

Euronavy Coatings EE01 is safe, durable, flexible,
Easy and quick to apply. It can cope with the most demanding requirements.

• Epoxy coating without solvents;
• 100% solids by volume (theoretical);
• Can be applied on dry or wet surfaces;
• No dew point restrictions (allowing application / work 24h / 24h);
• Tolerant to adherent oxides (instant oxidation WJ2M);
• High compatibility with existing coatings;
• No need to remove shop primer (EURONAVY COATINGS EP31), reducing surface preparation needs after cutting and welding;
• Greater adherence to the surface;
• High edge retention (ERR> 70%);
• Fully compatible with all types of surface preparation methods;
• Can be used as a primer coat, intermediate coat, top coat ...


Longer guarantee terms backed by the first letter of guarantee from a European bank.


Euronavy Coatings EE01: looking at specific customer needs

Euronavy Coatings's EE01: observing the specific needs of the clients


• Requires less maintenance
• Long service life (up to 35 years)
• No surface profile required



• Gather customer requirements, issues to be addressed, and expectations.
• Provide "customized" solutions based on customer needs and objectives.
• Full support throughout the project
• Our experience, skills and knowledge allow us to support customer challenges before and after the implementation of the proposed solution.

NOTE: The coating systems, based on the core strengths of EURONAVY ENG EE01 technology, are complemented by a complete portfolio of products that are tailored to the detailed and specific needs of each client or project, as well as for areas and applications specific.


Technical Specifications Downloads



Specially designed to achieve fast drying. It can be applied as a primer. Intermediate or finishing coat. Can be applied on ships, marine structures, offshore platforms and many other industrial applications (steel or concrete)



Specially designed to achieve fast drying. It can be applied as a primer. Intermediate or finishing coat. Can be applied on ships, marine structures, offshore platforms and many other industrial applications (steel or concrete)



It can be applied to iron or steel in various marine applications.



It can be applied to steel and concrete structures in contact with potable water.



It is used as a top coat, generally as part of an epoxy protection scheme. It can be used on metal structures in various industrial applications.



Tinta antivegetativa Tin Free, de alta performance, para proteção de longa duração contra o fouling.



Revestimento de alta performance, 100% de sólidos, para aplicação em áreas de variação de maré (intertidal zones)



Primário epoxi para betão, isento de solventes. Pode ser aplicado sobre betão húmido.




Resina epóxi sem solventes, para aplicação em betão




Revestimento epoxy, sem solventes, para aplicação em betão. Boa resistência química e mecânica e excelente acabamento do ponto de vista estético.




Primário multi-suporte, permitindo a pintura em fibra de vidro ou madeira.



Shop primer multi-suporte, permitindo a pintura em alumínio, aço galvanizado e outras ligas leves.



Acabamento de poliuretano do tipo poliéster. Especialmente desenvolvido para pavimentos. Excelente resistência química e acabamento estético.



Verniz de poliuretano do tipo poliéster. Especialmente desenvolvido para pavimentos. Excelente resistência química e acabamento estético.



Isolante aquoso (100% acrílico). Pode ser aplicado em betão e noutros substratos normalmente utilizados na construção civil.



Tinta aquosa formulada a partir de copolímeros acrílicos. Pode ser aplicado em betão e noutros substratos normalmente utilizados na construção civil.



A  Euronavy Engineering é pioneira em Portugal na implementação de soluções inovadoras e ambientalmente sustentáveis de decapagem e pintura. 
Detém capacidade própria para o desenvolvimento de métodos e equipamentos para suporte da sua atividade de prestação de serviços, estando, por isso, apta a responder às mais elevadas exigências do mercado, quer ao nível do desempenho, quer a nível ambiental e de segurança e com custos controlados.


  • Hidrodecapagem

  • Decapagem abrasiva

  • Novas tecnologias de preparação de superfícies

  • Pintura

  • Aplicação de revestimentos de elevado desempenho

Euronavy Coatings


  • Reparação estrutural

  • Revestimentos epoxídicos

  • Revestimentos com polímeros de última geração

  • Pavimentos industriais e decorativos

Euronavy Coatings


  • Desenvolvimento de instalações de tratamento de efluentes de hidrodecapagem  (ver caixa U.T.E.H.)

  • Apóio técnico a atividades de proteção anticorrosiva

Euronavy Coatings

U.T.E.H. – Unidade de Tratamento de Efluentes de Hidrodecapagem: A Euronavy Engineering desenvolveu um processo físico-químico de tratamento do efluente de hidrodecapaem que permite obter água limpa passível de reaproveitamento pelas máquinas de hidrodecapagem ou de descarga nas redes de saneamento sem limitações e ao abrigo da legislação ambiental vigente


High-profile clients around the world

Euronavy's high-performance products are approved and used by large, world-renowned corporations, including: Petrobras, EDP, Shell, Petronas, Portucel, Exxon Mobil and AutoEuropa.

Its quality and durability have exceeded the high standards set by the various industries: oil and gas, construction, heavy duty industries, and commercial flooring and roofing.

Another differential is that Euronavy provides a bank guarantee from a leading European bank for its products in projects when applied in accordance with its standards and under its supervision.

Euronavy Coatings


Speak to our representative.

Euronavy Coatings

Carlos Carvalho

Schedule a call for a demonstration


BlueBiz Global Parques Estrada Vale da Rosa 2910-845 Setúbal, Portugal

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